We are a home for
medically fragile children


Children’s Country Home is a home for medically fragile children providing expert care with dignity & compassion. Our nursing care team is dedicated to caring for babies, children, teens and young adults through their 17th year. All of our nurses have extensive experience providing round the clock, state-of-the-art nursing care especially for young patients. Learn more about us! Listen to our special song, Amazing Life written and performed by Susan Bellone.

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When we work together to serve medically fragile children, we become a community of compassion. Learn how you can help


When a child has profound disabilities and complex medical needs, providing the necessary round-the-clock care can be exhausting and overwhelming. Since 1997, families have trusted Children’s Country Home to provide the treatment and education essential to the child’s wellbeing.
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A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

Washington State Hot Rod Hall of Fame